Thoughts from a Mom today

Today - I woke up to my daughter still in pain.  She fell off the monkey bars Friday at school.  It didn't seem to bother her to much yesterday but through the evening it got worst.  So I sent her to my husband (he handles those things better - after all I have never had a broken bone he has) and he told me I should bring her in before Gymnastics so we know what is going on.  Sure enough - not good news - broken elbow well she thinks there is a bone in there broken so we have to see the specialist on Monday.  What a morning!!  So right now it is wrapped in an ace bandage and in a sling and she is bored out of her mind.  Which is making it difficult on Mom what kind of things can you do?  Well we are starting with movies and now I am trying to get some cards designed out for my upcoming class.  I really need to get them done this weekend.  I hope I can get inspired and get my work done.  Well that is what I am off to do.  I hope and pray that my daughter recovers quickly and that on Monday we get perhaps some good news.

Now to work.

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