I have many people that want to start
scrapbooking and say to me they are worried about doing it wrong. I am here to tell you that there is NO WRONG! There are no
scrapbooking "police"
taht are going to be looking over your shoulder at what you are creating and telling you that you are doing it all wrong. If anyone tries to tell you how it "should" be done, you can listen politely, say thank you for their input and then go about your business doing it how you want to.
This means you decide what you put in your scrapbooks, in what order, what size, what content, what theme, and all that stuff. Your scrapbook is just that yours. There are some things though that you should keep in mind when starting your scrapbook. Keep in mind that you want your
scrapbooking supplies to be acid free and
lignin-free so that your photos and layouts will not deteriorate over time. Take time to check the labels of the products you buy to see if they are acid-free.
I hope that you you will take the time to start your
scrapbooking journey and not be overwhelmed by everything most of all by doing it wrong. I started my
scrapbooking journey about 15 years ago on a limited budget and limited gadgets. Now I have lots of gadgets still a limited budget and a ton more pictures to do. But with all that said, the thing I love is seeing my pages completed and my daughter and husband looking through them and laughing and
reminicising about those events in our lives. Really that is what it is all about.
So start a book today and create some wonderful memories for you and your family. If I can do anything to help please feel free to call or email me.